Thursday, August 20, 2009

The First Article of Faith

“We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.”

This is the First Article of Faith for our church, but why is this specifically the first article? In most situations where there are things that are listed it done in order of importance. Now, I’m not saying that the thirteenth article of faith is less important than the first, but for the rest of the world that looks in upon our religion this first article of faith is the most important for them to see. This article of faith establishes the fact that we, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, are Christians. This fact can be stated no clearer. How people can say that we are not Christians I will never understand. It is right there – “We believe … in His Son, Jesus Christ”.

This Article of Faith clearly sets the stage for our religion because not only does it state that we believe in the Savior, but it also states that we believe in Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost as three separate individuals. Many religions claim that they are one in the same; however we claim that the Godhead is three very separate and very distinct persons. Our scriptures tell us that the Godhead is one in purpose – not in body. Their purpose is to forth the immortality and eternal life of man. It is the same as a husband and wife being one in purpose with raising their children. In our home my wife and I are one because we both want our children to grow and develop properly so that they can be functional in society, while living every aspect of the Gospel and being temple worthy members of the Church. That is a generalized statement for my wife and me because it entails so much, but I am simply trying to get my point across.

The Prophet Joseph Smith declared: “The fundamental principles of our religion are the testimony of the Apostles and Prophets, concerning Jesus Christ, that He died, was buried, and rose again the third day, and ascended into heaven; and all other things which pertain to our religion are only appendages to it”. Again, we believe in Jesus Christ. He is the backbone of our religion. If we did not believe in the Savior there would be nothing for us to do. There would be need for us to attend church because there would be no sacrament to take. There would be no need for us to have temples because there would be no need for redeeming the dead. There would be no need for the Book of Mormon because it’s another testament of Jesus Christ. There would be no need for the Bible either. Our church wouldn’t even have a name if we didn’t believe in the Savior’s role.

But we do believe in the Savior and we have all of these things because we believe in him. We do believe that he was born of Mary in a lowly stable because no place would take Mary and Joseph in. We do believe that the angels sang at his birth and that a new star appeared in the sky. We believe that he was found teaching in the temple in Jerusalem by Mary and Joseph at the age of 12. We believe that he grew and waxed strong. We believe that Jesus came unto John the Baptist and was baptized by immersion. This was not done for the remission of his sins, for he had none. He did this to provide us an example. We believe that he spent three years of his life teaching people the correct way to live their lives in order to return to their Father in Heaven. We believe that the Savior performed many miracles, such as the fishes and the loaves, the healing of the blind and the sick, and the raising of the dead. We believe that the Savior stepped foot into the Garden of Gethsemane knowing full well what awaited him there, that he knelt in prayer, was left alone both physically and spiritually, and then took upon himself all of our sins, the weight of which actually caused him to bleed from every pore. He felt every pain, every sorrow, every ounce of loneliness and difficulty that you or I have ever felt in our entire lives. He did this for every soul that had been or ever would be. This unspeakable pain was all done willing. We believe that he was betrayed by one of his own with a kiss. We believe that he healed the ear of one of the soldiers who came to take him to his accusers. We believe that he stood before the people and was condemned to death by crucifixion. We believe that he was scourged and whipped to the point of death, only to be made to carry his own instrument of death up to the summit of Golgotha, where he would willing lay down upon that cross so that nails could be driven through his hands, feet, and wrists. We believe that he was hung on the cross and continually mocked by those who were in attendance to witness this heinous act. We believe that as he hung on the cross in agonizing pain, looking down upon those who put him in this place, he asked his Father to forgive them because they had no idea what they were really doing or who they were doing this to. We believe that a soldier pierced his side with a spear while he hung upon the cross already to the point of death. We believe that the Savior realized his mission thus far had been completed, acknowledged to Father in Heaven that “It is finished” and then he willingly gave up the ghost. He didn’t die – he removed himself from his body. But this was not the end. We believe that on the third day the Savior took his body up again and broke the bands of death. The Savior was the only person with the ability to do so. He knew his role required that this act be done, so he came back. He showed himself to those closest to him. He let them feel the wounds in his hands and feet. He continued to teach them. He organized his church with his apostles, knowing full well that this Gospel would be taken from the earth within a short time. Once this was done he ascended into Heaven.

At some point after this the Savior descended from Heaven and showed Himself to the people on the American continent. He taught them the same things that were spoken of in the Old World. He organized his church in its fullness here in the Americas. He taught them the sacrament. He prayed for the people here. He blessed all the little children. He let these people feel the wound that he had received from his crucifixion. He gave unto them many words and teachings which they could live their lives by. Again, he ascended into Heaven after this time.

Over a thousand years passed before the Savior came to a small grove of trees in upstate New York, but he didn't come alone this time. Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost all were present for Joseph Smith's humble prayer that took place 190 years ago this coming spring. They were all there and each testified of each other in that sacred event. Father in Heaven confirmed the fact that he was pleased with the Savior and what he had done during his short time on Earth. We believe that Joseph Smith did see both the Father and the Son standing above him in the air. They spoke with him, even calling him by name. They knew who he was and why he had come to them in holy prayer. Again, the Savior taught and this time he taught Joseph that there was no church on the earth at that time that carried on the authority that he had left with his apostles before his ascension into Heaven. All that once was needed to be restored, and the boy prophet would soon be the vessel of this great and marvelous work.

The Savior appeared once again to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdrey in the Kirtland Temple many years later. He appeared in the temple and both Joseph and Oliver testified of this. They spoke of how the Savior looked and sounded as He spoke. They said his eyes were like fire, his hair was as white as snow, his countenance shone above the brightness of the sun, and his voice sounded as the rushing of great waters. They spoke of His acceptance of the newly built temple. He testified of who He was and what He had done for all. He spoke of the many rich blessings that would come because of the building of His house.

"We believe in God, the Eternal Father and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost." I know this. I believe this. I can be no clearer in the sharing of my testimony of Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. These three individuals do exist. They are a very real part of my life. I would be completely lost and helpless without Their merciful and loving influence in my life. I know they live and I love them dearly. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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